Updated: Dec 6, 2023

WATERCOLOUR - Beginners & Beyond (Tutor: Johan Brink)
WATERCOLOUR - “Paint with Johan” mentoring workshop (Tutor: Johan Brink)
ACRYLICS - Acrylics for beginners (Tutor: Susan Kemp)
ACRYLICS - “Paint with Susan” mentoring workshop (Tutor: Susan Kemp)
DRAWING - Life-drawing Basics (Tutor: Susan Kemp)
• R3000 per 3-day course. All lunches, teas and drinks during studio time are supplied by us. Other meals can be arranged at a local restaurant at discounted prices for participants and their partners or friends.
• Costs are the same for beginners and advanced students.
• Discount of 5% for groups (two or more people)
• Discount for local residents. Please enquire.
• Regular weekly classes can be arranged.
• A deposit of R1500 is required upon booking, of which 50% can be refunded if a cancellation is received up to one month before the course starts. No refunds if cancelled less than a month before the course. Balance payable before commencement of the course. Ask us about our easy, monthly payment plan.
WATERCOLOURS – Beginners & Beyond (3 days)
1. Equipment, materials & accessories
2. Preparation
3. Techniques
4. Colour mixing
5. Rules: Composition, perspective, depth, colour theory
6. Basic steps of creating a painting
7. What is art?
8. Finishing touches
9. Studio & workstation
10. Step onto the road to success!
“PAINT WITH JOHAN” mentoring workshop, watercolour (3 days)
Not for beginners.
Spend three days tapping into the creative experience with your tutor and your fellow participants. Be inspired by Johan's demonstrations of landscape painting, recognizable abstracts and fast, fun work. Each artist decides what she or he would like to do and also benefit from the creative energy of the group. The learning curve is dramatic. Also benefit from casual discussions on how to market your art, making art prints, and framing. Bring your cameras, as you can also gather inspiration and photos in and around lovely Storms River Village.
1. Basic art principles: Observation, composition, perspective, depth, value, practical exercises.
2. Colour theory: Colour wheel and other practical exercises, evaluation of individual paint collections.
3. Basics of acrylic painting: Paints & mediums, canvasses, brushes, techniques.
4. Basic steps of creating a painting: Canvas preparation, sketching, painting.
5. General info & advice: Creativity, criticism, marketing, admin, commissions, myths, workspaces.
6. Course Manual supplied.
7. Additional handouts: Research info on Canvas & Gesso, and Tips to Photograph your Art.
“PAINT WITH SUSAN” mentoring workshop in acrylics (3 days)
Not for beginners.
Bring your art for constructive criticism and start a new project of your choice (bring reference materials) under the guidance of your tutor, who will guide you with regard to composition, perspective, depth, value, colour, preparation, materials, techniques, etc. Spend three days tapping into the experience of Susan and your fellow course participants. We learn from one another while painting in a creative, relaxed atmosphere, so it is an opportunity for fun as well as fulfilment. With her experience in imaginative or realistic painting and drawing, Susan will help get your ideas going, and you can also gather inspiration and photos in and around lovely Storms River Village.
LIFE-DRAWING BASICS, pencil and charcoal (3 days + optional 4th day)
1. Basic art principles: Observation, composition, perspective, depth, value.
2. Practical exercises
3. Drawing - from photograph
4. Life drawing - from still life display
5. Life drawing - from model (optional 4th day)
Johan Brink (082) 296 2000 / (042) 2811 045 (a/h);
Susan Kemp (083) 467 9388;
Give us a call... we would love to share our art and our village with you. Also have a peek at our Facebook pages:
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