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Life-drawing Basics : July '24

This course is the complete introduction to Life-drawing under the guidance of Susan Kemp.

3,000 South African rand
Art-for-All Studio

Course Information

Life-drawing Basics This course is an introduction to life drawing, presented in the fully equipped, air-conditioned (and load-shedding proof!) Art-for-All Studio. The course starts off with the clarification of the concept of drawing from the right side of the brain, which involves drawing negative space and maintaining a balance between knowing (information) and seeing (observation). Practise is of the utmost importance, and the drawing exercises performed in class enable the brain to kick into this mode of seeing and drawing. The exercises alternate with discussions and demonstrations of composition, depth, perspective, and value contrast. Still-life drawings will be done from a photo, then from a still life set up in class; followed by more life drawing. A fourth day of figure drawing from life is optional. Please bring examples of your work for constructive feedback that will enhance your learning during the course. Every student gets a course manual, as well a handout on photographing your art. Post-course support is also supplied. YOUR COURSE INCLUDES: All teas, drinks, and lunches at a local bistro (also discounts on any other meals you might have); professional mounting of one of your pieces produced during the course, if on paper and if time allows. ACCOMMODATION: We can recommend accommodation options in the village at preferential artist's rates. Visit Bring your partner or friend... there's such a lot to see and do in our village! Please feel free to contact us if you need to know more. Susan.


Do you want more information before you make a booking?

No problem at all, reach out below and we will get back to you ASAP!

Storms River Village


©2024 Crafted by Art-for-All

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